Phishing is when criminals use fake emails to lure you into clicking on them and handing over your personal information, or installing malware on your device. They are mostly sent as attachments (like ZIP files, PDFs, and spreadsheets) or links
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The National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) conducted the 2022 National Information Technology Survey whose main objective was to ascertain the status of Information Technology in Uganda.
His Excellence Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has officially commissioned the Regional ICT Infrastructure and E-Government Services in Gulu City
President Museveni: ICT is an enabler of the other primary industries, agriculture, among others.
With in the industry, we are introducing the pathogenic economy, making money out of the sickness that we have here by making vaccines.
A unique success story is one by Uganda Martyrs University Fort Portal fully connected to the National Backbone and utilizing broadband services
A success story is one by FortPortal Regional Blood Bank fully connected to the National Backbone and utilizing broadband services #digitizeUg