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Uganda National Computer Emergency Response Team & Coordination Center [Cert.Ug/Cc]

Uganda National Computer Emergency Response Team & Coordination Center [Cert.Ug/Cc]

GOU IT ServiceDesk

The NITA Service Desk is the single point of contact for e-Government service delivery to all Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments.
The Service Desk was set up to help streamline operations and create efficiency through tracking and timely resolution of requests.


To improve customer satisfaction through timely responses, escalations of user requests, shorter resolution times and availability of multiple communication channels.

UGhub Systems Integration Platform
NITA-U is integrating all MDA systems to the UGhub Systems Integration Platform so as to enable seamlessly sharing of data across Government systems in a rational, secure, efficient and sustainable manner.
Deepened Nationwide Connectivity
NITA-U is implementing the Last Mile Connectivity Project under which 732km of fiber optic cable are to be laid to extend the National Data Backbone Infrastructure (NBI)
IT Certification
IT Certification has contributed to enforcing of IT Laws, Regulations and Standards applicable to the IT industry.
GOU Service Desk
A fully fledged IT Service Desk for the Government of Uganda is in place. This is a Single Point of Contact for IT service delivery