Technical assessment was carried out and CAA will only procure storage to upgrade their primary site. Disaster recovery services will be provided by NITA-U. (Due to ICAO regulations and compliance issues)
Technical assessment was carried out and CAA will only procure storage to upgrade their primary site. Disaster recovery services will be provided by NITA-U. (Due to ICAO regulations and compliance issues)
No objection with procurement of ERP but rejected the development of human resource management module, Financial management module (subject to tests with IFMS team) in the ERP. Also rejected the procurement of attached components (hardware, servers, stores) and recommended use of the national data center.
Partial Approval for VOIP equipment but NOT messaging services in light of UMCS shared services being implemented by Government. No objection given to GIS web based monitoring system Approval granted for laptops and computers Recommendation to utilize the national payment gateway as a shared service
Not Approved under 3 year contract. NMS requested to obtain sms aggregation services until the national sms gateway is ready in a bid to rationalize and reduce costs
Granted for a limited duration until the HCM being developed by the ministry of public service is ready for use